Corporate Fire Prevention Tactics

Prevent Fire Damage Commercial Restoration

Beyond the issues related to the importance of fire protection systems, the typology of the installations that a company runs in order to be successfully used in the event of fire, each person who works there should be trained about fire prevention tactics that will be very useful during such an event that can be devastating.

Fire prevention in corporate buildings is considered, erroneously, a service that should be exclusively dealt with by qualified personnel, who control the specific measures to be taken in order to maintain safety.

It is also believed to be a complicated subject for non-technical people, but actually it is not. Fire prevention is an objective for which firefighters, building owners, administrators, officials involved in administrative supervision processes, representatives of workers involved in risk prevention, volunteers in charge of awareness and counseling campaigns for citizens can and should participate actively. All of them!

Any building must meet the minimum conditions of safety, comfort, health and well-being. In such spaces, whether they are public or private companies, preventive measures must be taken to evacuate people and mitigate the proportions of a potential fire. It is also necessary to develop and implement a plan of action in case of fire emergencies.

Therefore, it is recommended to start with establishing the procedure to be followed for the development and implementation of an emergency plan consisting of a series of activities carried out progressively, from the assessment of risks to the implementation of prevention tactics through exercises.

As a corporate manager, you have at your disposal preventive factors such as: development of standards and laws regarding buildings and their occupations, control of combustible and flammable materials, control and maintenance of machinery and equipment within general and electrical systems, and conducting risk inspections for the purpose to detect situations that can trigger a fire.

You need to understand the importance of installing fire extinguishing systems that will allow you to quickly fight a potentially devastating event. Also, the access and intervention routes, as well as the access to water sources must exist in the building permanently, in areas free of any obstacles that could prevent the operative intervention for extinguishing the fire.

Maintaining the evacuation and intervention routes free is another obligation of the building manager/ administrator. They must enable the evacuation of people inside the building, including those with motor disabilities.

In office spaces and buildings, the quantities of combustible materials and substances used for different reasons should not exceed the density of the thermal load established by technical regulations or by the technical design documentation, which must be mentioned in the contract, convention or other similar legal act concluded between the parties. Also, the activity must be carried in organized spaces, not too crowded by people or specific furniture and equipment that would make it difficult or block the evacuation in case of a fire.

The evacuation plans from the building are drawn up and displayed according to the general norms of defense against fires. Fire protection plans must be updated whenever necessary to eliminate the need for fire damage restoration workers, depending on the changes in the conditions that were the basis of the initial plan, as well as the changes in legislation, construction and/ or personnel.

Consider your fire damage restoration provider as a Colorado roofing company option as well.